Here are interesting recent science articles about inflammation resolution :
From Vietnamese plants to a biflavonoid that relieves inflammation by triggering the lipid mediator class switch to resolution, Tran Thi Van Anh, Alilou Mostafa, Zhigang Rao, Simona Pace, Stefan Schwaiger, Christian Kretzer, Veronika Temml, Carsten Giesel, Paul M. Jordan, Rossella Bilancia, Christina Weinigel, Silke Rummler, Birgit Waltenberger, Tran Hung, Antonietta Rossi, Hermann Stuppner, Oliver Werz, Andreas Koeberle, Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B (2021), DOI :
Plant extract with anti-inflammatory AND pro-resolving properties
In search of the Grail for chronic inflammation therapeutic strategy : A promising drug candidate that combines 5-lipoxygenase inhibition with...
PCTR1 Enhances Repair and Bacterial Clearance in Skin Wounds, Brian E. Sansbury, Xiaofeng Li, Blenda Wong, Nicos A. Petasis, Charles N. Serhan, Matthew Spite (2021), The American Journal of Pathology, DOI : 10.1016/j.ajpath.2021.02.015
PCTR1 : a new biomarker for host defense and tissue repair
How do tissues fight against infection and regenerate?
Resolution of inflammation is a natural biological process that facilitates host defense and promotes ...
Protective activities of distinct omega-3 enriched oils are linked to their ability to upregulate specialized pro-resolving mediators, Sobrino A, Walker ME, Colas RA, Dalli J (2020) PLoS ONE DOI : 15(12): e0242543.
Which biomarkers can be used to determine the ability of a specific supplement in controlling inflammation?
Indeed, several clinical studies using a range of omega-3 supplements have yielded conflicting results on their efficacy to reduce inflammation and regulate immune responses.
In this recent publication, Sobrino et al. focused on the evaluation of protective properties of four #Omega-3 enriched oils.
They report that the ability of a supplement to upregulate #SPM (specialized pro-resolving mediators) production is...